Reiki is an energy treatment, working to restore balance to the chakras and energy flow within the body. The ancient Japanese treatment is spiritual in nature, but is not religious or tied to any one belief system.

Reiki is a very gentle treatment, with hands either lightly placed on or directly above the client at multiple points of the body, from head to toe. Treatments are with the client clothed, laying on their back, but can be seated for those who require or prefer it to be.

Reiki can be very relaxing and calming, giving the client a safe space to release anxieties, stagnant energy, or feelings that are no longer serving them. In the days after a Reiki treatment, some clients may notice emotions arise that are not attached to their current situation. This is the body trying to clear old, unwanted energy that has been suppressed, so it can be addressed and then let go.

While it encourages health, Reiki is not intended to replace any other medical practices or professions, but instead be used in conjunction with them.

*As an energy treatment, Reiki is considered a distinct modality, and not a subdivision of Massage Therapy. Receipts for Reiki treatments will reflect this and indicate the treatment was for Reiki, not Massage Therapy. Because of this difference between treatment types, we are unable to direct bill for Reiki.

We also offer Reiki Massage, which is predominantly a Massage Therapy treatment with a portion of Reiki included. Receipts will be issued as Massage Therapy, and direct billing is an option.